
Four Short & Curlies

1. Element Software featured by Apple
2. Fly, Enterprise, Fly.
3. A new pricing model to be decided…by you!
4. Erstwhile a new product approacheth

ONE. Replete with many a saucy photo, this month bears witness to our CEO espousing the virtues of Apple products on the Apple website, along with a delicately placed plug for our litte Copper products. To put a face to a name, and otherwise dispel all myths, click the link below:

TWO.. Our Enterprise edition is performing splendidly, thankyou. It seems we’ve hit on the perfect mix of features for the team requiring a little more flexibility with their producitvity solution. However, March will see the release of an update (what already? – Ed) to include a new Reporting module and other goodies taking our flagship product another step forward. We’re also now offering Enterprise edition 14-day trials so if you’d like to pop the hood get on over to

THREE… As per our yearly survey, we’re nearing the release of a free Copper product, however in order to move ahead we need your help arriving at a suitable pricing model. Whether you’re a customer or not, please click here and vote for the model that suits you best. Thanks in advance for your help!

FOUR…. Tally ye not! A new product doth approach! Yes, it’s weird when old English is employed to spruik a new web 2.0 software product, however all will make sense in good time. All we can say is that it will be financial in nature, will be web-based, and it will be beyond awesome for those who require a product of its type. Feeling lucky you feisty braggard? Well if you can guess what it is we’ll give you one free when it’s released!

– Ben Prendergast