
New People Module in Beta, Here’s whats new!

We’ve launched a new Beta of Copper (v4.8) for those in our Beta program. Here is what we’ve changed:

New Permissions Model: Overhauled, simpler, better.

In the new Copper, we’ve made the User and Permissions model so much better, removing Clients, Contacts, Task Owners, Project Owners, Account Managers (in Clients), Groups, and Users, and replacing it with People & Organizations.

Sounds simple? That’s because it is.

1. You have a Person (e.g. You. “Person” replaces Users and Contacts)
2. You have an Organization (It could be “ClientABC” or it could be “Sales Team”. “Organization” replaces Client and Groups)

We’ve removed the notion of Read or Write or Deny access to Projects and Clients, and now its just simply a question of does someone have Access.  Here’s how!

  • A Person can be on a project, and have access to that Project
  • An Organization can be given access to a Project, and anyone who has Access to that Organization (but is not listed as a member of that Organization) will have access to any of the projects that Organization is a part of.
  • Tasks still have specific People attached as resources, and the To Do view continues to only show a task if that Person is listed as a resource of that task.
  • Only the administrator can create/delete People, but anyone with Access to an Organization a Person is a member of can edit them.

We think its a much simpler way to handle permissions, but with all changes there is always a settling in process. This is the first major step in our movement toward version 5.0 (which includes an exciting new way to pass around tasks) but we need your help in making sure this new model is great.

If you’d like to be part of the new Beta, please get in touch