
Copper Project Management Allows Full Client Involvement; It’s Their Project!

Copper Project Management Allows Full Client Involvement; It’s Their Project!

The Importance of Client Participation

Repeat business from previous clients is one of the best ways to keep your company running. If you want to have repeat business and have clients that are so pleased with your work that they recommend you to their friends and family, then you have to stay connected with them and make sure that you meet their needs. Copper project management software will provide you with the chance to do those things.
With Copper project management software, you can allow the client to participate in the decisions being made about their project. They can see what your team is doing, and if they see something they are not happy with, they can tell you immediately so changes can be made before the project has progressed too far.

Clients can approve decisions in real time

Having the client able to approve of decisions, see the progress, and see the amount of work that is going into their account will help them to appreciate your company, and your efforts. It also lets them feel like they are in charge instead of feeling like they are at your mercy.
Using Copper Project Management software allows you and your clients to be able to see the project and the steps that are taken to bring the project to completion. Your clients will be able to keep track of the progress that is being made and they will not be as apt to call your offices asking what is happening, or to get upset because they do not know what is happening. When your customer is informed they are happy.

It is as if the client is right there with the team!

Your team will be able to do the work they need to do and share links and documents with each other in a timely manner. They will not have to wait on each other to send email, or to answer an instant message. They can also send these documents and links to the client so the client sees everything. Everybody gets to have full disclosure and everyone knows what they need to do to proceed.
Copper Project Management software reduces the risk that anyone working on the project will lose their instructions, or will not be aware of a change that has been made. This software lets everyone work from the same place no matter what their physical location is. It creates a place where the documentation can be stored and everyone will have access to it. It also lets you be sure that no documents will be lost during the progression of the project.

Communication happens in real time – fast!

Using the Copper project management software will increase your ability to communicate exactly what is happening to your client. You will save time and money, and will increase your client satisfaction. This software will revolutionize how you communicate between working participants and the client you are working for.
Using Copper management software to increase your client satisfaction is easy, and one of the smartest decisions that you will make as a company leader. It is time to use the tools available and make things easier for everyone involved.