It Is Possible To Make Your Employees Love Working For You
Have you noticed that some businesses have employees that stay with them for twenty years or more? Is this because those businesses pay better than any other business of their type? Is it because the people love their job cannot imagine doing any other work? Is it a rare occurrence that is happening less and less today?
Well, the main reason that people stay with a job for multiple years is not because the pay is so good they cannot resist, or that they love the work so much they dream of getting up to do it again the next day.
Trust generates respect for senior employees
The main reason that people stay with a company for a long time is they trust and respect their managers, bosses, and coworkers. Employees that have trust in the management of a company will stay two to three times as long as employees that do not trust their managers, or coworkers.
When a person has confidence that the management they work for is doing everything within their power to make them happy, treat them fairly, and help them succeed, then the employee works harder, and is loyal to the company they work for. It really is that simple.
If you want your employees to trust you, then you have to work as hard as they do. That means they have to see that you work as hard as they do. Never ask an employee to do something you would be unwilling to do yourself. If you ask them to stay late at work; then be willing to stay late with them. If you ask them to work faster then get on the floor with them and help them produce things faster. Be a hands-on boss and your employees will work harder for you.
Address them with respect and as equals
Always speak respectfully to your employees. You are not speaking to people who are less than you or to people who are not as smart as you. Some of your employees may be a lot smarter than you. Talk to people like you would like to be talked to. Say please, thank you, and all of the polite things you should say.
Be willing to listen. You have to listen to your employees, their concerns, their ideas, and their frustrations. If you want your employees to work their hardest to produce for your company, then you are going to have to work your hardest at understanding their needs and trying to meet as many of those needs as possible. Treat your employees like people not like employees. You need to get to know them and get to know what things will help them do their job and be able to get home to their families with enough energy left to spend time with those families.
Reward successes and good work, provide ambient environment
Have company meetings and reward your employees for their successes. Be sure that you provide them with all with an opportunity to earn some recognition from the company leaders. Provide technology and advanced software applications to make their work easier, and make their work environment as safe, and as friendly as possible. You will be rewarded with a higher level of productivity and low employee turnover rate.