
Why Email Communication Is Not Reliable In Project Work

Why Email Communication Is Not Reliable In Project Work
How To Find Better Communication Than Email For Your Project

How long does it take you to look at an email sent to you? I am sure you have had to be called many times just to notify you that you have an email. If that is not enough, how many spam emails have you received in the last couple of months? Such things can be very irritating. In as much as you might have hated or still hate it, you have no other choice but to keep up with it.

No more spamming of messages

Project work is very serious and requires instant communication. Luckily, such is readily available for all project managers and has come at a good time. It is no longer stressful to share information. Your messages can no longer be spammed. Even better, you need not be notified by the sender that the information has been sent.
As a manager, just find a way that enables you to make the centralization of information possible. However, way you look at it, you will have a lot to gain when everyone can access information about the project from the same and one place. And it is you who will have to make that happen.
Unlike emails, instant messaging is relatively fast. Most of the time, emails take long to be delivered, and to send one you must go through a long and tedious process. However, for the instant messaging, all that is required of you is to post the information you need to share. You need not send it to anyone directly. This saves you the time you would have sent writing an email and sending it.

Lost emails can be very frustrating – avoid this

How annoying is it to be told by your client that they did not get the email you sent? This is absolutely normal, I think, in the email world. Emails get lost, somehow some way. To avoid this frustration in your life, get a way to centralize all the information and to communicate instantly with all the members involved, as well as other stakeholders.
You also need to find a way to back up the files. Who wants to lose years worth of data, considering that some projects can run for a few years non-stop? Backup is going to help you recover your files in case of any problems in the system.
Emails are common and anyone can access them. People have found ways to maneuver the internet and they can now access your emails as they wish. All they need to do is bypass the system. The email provider services do not offer you a chance to customize your email and control that can see your information with or without your permission.

Be ready to meet unique needs

You are the project manager and you can decide that the only time anyone will access information on the platform is with your express permission. You also have to ensure the security of the data. This can be managed with login usernames and passwords.
This gives you some form of control over crucial documents, which I am sure you will find advantageous.