Why Use Web-Based Project Management Software Rather Than Premise Based One
The field of project management is changing in the same way that other fields are experiencing technological advances. Today, you do not have to work on a project from the workplace. You can work on it wherever you are and at any time you like, even when you are on the go. This has been made possible by web-based project management software such as Copper.
A few factors of web based project management
• Need for mobile access: web-based software enables projects to be tackled by a team from anywhere. You could use your smartphone, tablet or laptop.
• Cost efficiency: web based project management saves your team from the costs incurred when installing in-house software. This way, you save more money and divert it to other vital tasks involved in your project.
• No limitation on the number of people working on a project: web based project management supports more users than premise based. Premium based management comes with a lot of connectivity problems.
• Size of projects: web based software for project management gives you the freedom to decide how large you want your project to be. You easily connect with all the team players all over the world, unlike premise based project management.
What attracts users to web based project management?
1. Low initial costs
Web base project management is cheaper than premise oriented management. Using the web-based option eliminates the costs incurred in installing software and hardware. All you need to do is open an account on web-based software and you are good to go.
2. It is always up to date
The web-based software is easy to upgrade. It is a matter of logging into the account and clicking on any updates posted by the developers. You do not have to buy new software altogether. Premise based management means you have to keep buying new hardware in case what is currently in place is out dated.
3. Accessibility to information
Web bases management allows users to work on their r projects from wherever they are. You do not have to go to your workplace.
4. Time management
Web based project management saves a lot of time. The fact that you do not have to work from your workplace simplifies the whole thing.
5. Visibility of information
Every member of a team working on a project has access to all the information about a given project. No information is withheld or kept with certain individuals. This empowers the team. Premise based management suffers from the slow flow of information.
6. Tasks, documents and discussions
These are crucial components of any project. They are stored in one place that is accessible to all at any time. The real-time nature of web-based software such as Copper quickens communication about changes, clarifications and queries.
It is clear that web based project management is far much better than the premise based one. Will you make the right decision today? You have seen the benefits.