
How To Eradicate Stress From The Office

Stress in the workplace can be due to different issues that arise from time to time. In most white collar jobs, it is common to find employees stressed in their offices.

Below, we look at 5 factors that cause stress in the workplace

1. Poor relations at the workplace

Relationships in the workplace play a big role in causing stress. Poor relations with your colleagues could lead to stress. Also, if one is being harassed by fellow employees, they would definitely feel pressured. If there are poor relations between the management and the employees say due to the style of management used, then it is inevitable that employees would be stressed. Poor relationships lead to seclusion. This is stressful as in an office, people are somewhat interdependent on each other, and hence if isolated then one feels lonely.

2. The workload

There are situations where one is assigned a lot of work, which they feel that is too much for them. Other times one is given work, which does not match their skills and finding difficulty in completing the work. In other cases, one is given work that is too little and they feel that their skills are underutilized leading to stress. Pressure in the workplace can also mount due to the deadlines fixed to submit the work given. If the deadlines are too rigid, one will feel weighed down with the work leading to pressure to complete it.

3. Balance between private life and work

There are those times that one has to work overtime leaving less time for one to spend with their family. Work may also get in the way of one’s individual life leading to stress and vice versa is true where personal life may meddle with your work causing stress.

4. Security of the job

Job security is very important to any employee. When one is employed on contract basis, one is stressed due to the fact that the job is temporary and they could be jobless at the end of the contract period. If a company is cutting down the size of its operation, then it will be required to lay off some employees. This leads to pressure among them due to the fact that they would be rendered jobless. The same case applies if an organization goes broke most employees become unemployed.

5. Working conditions

These range from the physical conditions to the welfare of the employees. Physical conditions will include things like the working space, that is, is it too squeezed or large enough? The office temperature whether it’s too cold, hot or just at room temperature, whether the light in the room is enough, are there machines to aid in day to day activities and so on. Welfare will include issues like the remuneration, whether they are well compensated for work done, availability of medical and education cover, safety for them in the workplace. If such things are not catered for, the employees start bowing under pressure.