
The 5 Step Process of Choosing Online Project Management Software


The online project management software is designed on the concepts of easing project management. However, every company has different types of requirements based on the nature of their projects. Therefore, not every work management software is suitable for a company. Some online project management software offer universal properties, which make them acceptable for all types of businesses. Here is the five-step process of choosing work management software.

Evaluate the Needs

The needs of each department differ from the needs of other departments. The project that a company chooses will be used by a certain department or all departments. The organization can begin the evaluation process by soliciting the input of their employees who will use the online project management software. The input of employees will help consider the requirements of an organization as well as make the acceptance of change in the management system easier for the employees.

Evaluation is a two-step process.

  • Gather the feedback of employees working in the concerned departments.
  • Consider the overall needs of the projects depending on the company’s niche. A construction company will require collaborative software applications as compared to the needs of an IT company. Choose the online software management system with universally accepted features.

Consider the Collaboration Features

The work management software eases the inter-organizational and intra-organizational communication. The online project management software must contain effective collaboration and communication features including email, easy file sharing, speedy messaging, and hassle-free distribution of information.

The Ease of Use

The online project management software is designed to make the handling of complex projects easier. However, the software will not benefit the organization if the software’s infrastructure is complex to understand. The evaluation of the ease of use should always be done on the organizational level, not only on the managerial level. Change management and deployment of the work management software becomes easier if it is user-friendly.

Calculate the Cost

The online project management software provides various benefits including cost calculation, cost estimation, reporting, employee performance, risk forecasting, and others. The cost of work management software should justify increasing the profits and helping the project managers to work on multiple projects without any hassle. The suitability of a work management software can be evaluated by comparing its cost with its benefits for an organization.

Create an Implementation Plan

The implementation plan is useful for change management and making the change in organizational operations acceptable for the employees. The tech-savvy team can create a plan for the implementation. The plan should include training of the managers and employees. The day-to-day tasks of the project manager will drastically change therefore, the project manager’s training is crucial to the success of implementing online project management software.

The company can make the implementation acceptable by making the project managers and employees aware about the benefits of online project management software. The work management software make agile operations easier and help increasing the productivity of a company by reducing absenteeism.