5 Effective Tips to Motivate the Project Team
Being a project manager is an exciting adventure. And one of the most challenging parts is leading the team to achieve project objectives. For any project success, a skilled and experienced team is not enough. You need to create a motivated, passionate, and enthusiastic project team in order to achieve exceptional results.
Here we will share five tips that can help project managers to effectively motivate the project team.
1. Respect the Employees
The owner of Virgin brand Richard Branson had stated that in order to create a great company you need to treat the employees as you yourself like to be treated. This is applicable to project management as well. Employees perform better when they are treated with respect. Showing respect for their dedication and commitment will motivate them to work harder and work with commitment and dedication.
2. Communicate the Purpose of the Company
Project managers can inspire the team members by communicating the main purpose of the company. Remind to the team members that the efforts of each employee will help the company to achieve the goals. Make them realize how their efforts contribute to making the company great, which in turn benefit the employees.
When you link the performance of the workers to the purpose of the company, you will be able to bring the best from your team.
3. Empower the Employees
Consider giving each team member a decision-making role. Provide them autonomy is taking the decisions according to the demands. This will not only reduce your workload but also encourage innovation among the employees. What’s more, it will also keep them motivated to give it their best when it comes to achieving project objectives.
4. Focus on Strengths Not Weaknesses
Good project managers identify the strengths of the employees and provide them opportunities to use their strengths for overcoming obstacles. While some of the strengths will seem obvious, you must consider carrying out a one-to-one meeting to ask about latent strengths. Consider asking questions such as, “What part of the work do you enjoy doing?” and “What you miss out on the previous job?”.
In case of an employee screws up, you should not just point out the mistake. Consider suggesting practical solutions so that the employee doesn’t make the same mistake again. Focusing on the strengths and overcoming the weaknesses will enable the employees to give extraordinary results.
5. Use Work Management Software
Lastly, you should consider using a work management software. You can better manage the progress of the workers and provide instant feedback. Compliment and praise exceptional work of the employees. When employees see that their extra efforts are being rewarded, they will work with more commitment and dedication.
The above are just some of the ways project managers can motivate their employees. You should be on a lookout for strategies that can make the employees feel more appreciated.