
What is Meant by Product Backlog in Scrum PM Approach?


Scrum is a flexible agile project management approach that has broad application. The process is used for managing iterative projects. The best thing about the approach is that it can be used to manage almost all kinds of projects.

Despite being introduced years ago; a lot of confusion surrounds this projects management approach. One such confusion relates to the term product backlog. In this article, we will explain what is meant by product backlog and also how it’s different from another similar sounding word i.e. sprint backlog.

Product Backlog in Scrum: An Overview

A product backlog in the context of scrum project management methodology simply refers to the list of features that are pending at a given moment. The features are critical for successful completion of the project. Without completing the product backlog, a project cannot be completed.

In simpler terms, product backlog is a list of thing that should be done. The backlog refers to the requirements of the projects that are not met. The items can be user-centric or technical in nature. They are set by the scrum product owner who is typically the customer.

Keep in mind that items in the product backlog are not set in stone. The product owner can change the items in the backlog anytime required. Also, the Scrum Team can add additional items that are not contained in the product backlog. Additional items can include things such as user interface prototypes, description, guidelines, and other things that can complement and detail the main features.

How Is Product Backlog Different From Spring Backlog?

The scrum spring backlog is different from the product backlog. The sprint backlog is created by the project team. This backlog contains items from the product backlog that can be completed in the upcoming sprint.

The sprint backlog is developed during the planning stage of the Scrum methodology. It is the first stage in the sprint during which the team collaborates and creates a backlog that consists of:

  • Items selected from the product backlog based on the estimated capacity and completion time
  • Sprint goals that direct the efforts of the team
  • A detailed plan for the realization of the sprint goals

Items in the sprint backlog are typically frozen after completion of the sprint meeting. However, items of product backlog can be changed by the product owner. In such a case, the sprint backlog is adjusted as well.

In the end, scrum is a flexible project management methodology. The approach can help in reducing the risk of project failure. Using the scrum project management approach, the project can be managed in a more efficient manner. When completed with a work management software, the end result is timely and efficient completion of the project.