
How to Make a Failing Project Come to a Successful End



Project managers have a common goal of seeing projects come to a successful end. However, the fact is that a lot of projects fail. A study carried out by PricewaterhouseCoopers had reviewed over 1000 projects in 30 countries, and found that most projects came to a dreadful end.

So, how can project managers prevent project failure? How can they save a project that seems to be falling into a sinking hole? What are the steps that are required to rescue a failing project before it takes everyone down?

In this post, you will learn about some tips that can help project managers can prevent a project fiasco and make a failing project come to a successful end.

1. Understand Critical Project Requirements

The most obvious reason most projects fail is scope creep. This happens when project team focuses efforts on achieving goals that are not critical to project success. It’s essential that project team focus on completing the most critical tasks first.  Once the important tasks completed, the project team can work on tasks that while not important could add value to the final product.

2. Update Project Schedule

After understanding the project requirements, you should update the schedule accordingly. Consider using an online project management software or work management software that allows scheduling of critical tasks. This will give you further clarity about the important tasks. You can learn what should be done and in what order to complete the project successfully.

You should consider making use of dynamic scheduling strategy. This strategy results in more improved scheduling. You need to get into a position where the schedule can be easily updated and the changes communicated to the entire team. Again, online project management software will prove invaluable here.

3. Manage Conflicts

Conflicts are bound to arise when a project is failing. You should find out the team conflicts and try to resolve them through effective communication. Consider keeping your eyes open for even seemingly insignificant conflicts as they can escalate quickly.

Address any conflict early in order to prevent them from getting out of control. You should address the conflicts and avoid them jeopardizing the project.

4. Project a Positive Outlook

Make sure that you keep a positive outlook throughout the project execution stage. A negative attitude can reverberate to the team. Being positive ensures will provide reassurance to the team that the projected recovery is on track. Make sure that you keep the spirits of the team up by positive talk.

Being skeptical about a presentation is a natural tendency. A project manager should make sure that employees are kept motivated by avoiding any ambiguities. This will result in increased chances of the project coming to a successful end.